Posted in
DAILY 31 May 2012
I’m sure that each of you has already told some of these lies yourself.
Apparently in Bulgaria prom night is a huge event worthy of the slinkiest and most revealing dresses and the whole town’s rapt attention.
Posted in
CELEBS 31 May 2012
The ultimate American blonde girl has been in the spotlight for over a decade and her body has definitely changed, especially lately.
Posted in
FUNNY 31 May 2012
The least hip twenty-somethings in Russia like to bust a move in these awesome backwoods parties.
Posted in
VIDEO 31 May 2012
Matt and Asia are the big fans of the popular multi-player game Minecraft. They met each other in its digital world and built there a house together. When the young people eventually decided to marry, they styled the place for the wedding ceremony so that it looked absolutely like the game location.
Posted in
VIDEO 31 May 2012
Posted in
FUNNY 31 May 2012
Posted in
VIDEO 31 May 2012
What’s up with the weird movements though?
56 years of tornado tracks.
Posted in
VIDEO 31 May 2012
This happens all the time but it is rarely captured on video.
The village of New Hyde Park in New York has the most unusual McDonald’s ever.
Rubbish and papers cover the floors at the El Prat International Airport in Barcelona as the cleaning staff is protesting against big budget cuts.
A man in Philippines has found an original way to bring light into dark houses in slums. He fills plastic bottles with a mixture of water and bleach and installs them in the roofs. The bottles start to shine as bright as electric light bulbs, but they don’t heat and require no electricity.
Posted in
31 May 2012
These inspiring works are created by British street artist nicknamed SmugOne.
Some guy managed to pinpoint the places where the photographs for these vintage vinyl covers have been taken.
Posted in
31 May 2012